Friday, April 26, 2019


David Frost/Richard Nixon

Frost vs. Nixon Interview Picture
A photo of David Frost interviewing ex-President Richard Nixon. A historic scene where Mr. Frost convinced Nixon to admit to being involved with the Watergate Scandal and apologize to all Americans.

Watergate Tapes
Three tapes that recorded and confirmed Nixon's role in the Watergate Scandal, which forced him to resign from presidency. This was pivotal for Frost's win when he asked Nixon why he didn't burn the tapes.
Transcript of Frost/Nixon Interview
The official transcript of Frost's interview with Nixon. One of the most shocking and intense interviews in history, which officially made Frost's career and left Nixon in recluse.

The Western White House
A picture of Richard Nixon's home in San Clemente, California. Also known as the Western White House, this is where David Frost met Richard Nixon and officially agreed to do an interview. It also became Nixon's real home after the interviews were over and he was disgraced.
Frost/Nixon Interviews from TV Guide
A promotion for TV Guide now showing the Frost/Nixon interviews. They were one of the few magazines to have articles about the interviews, alongside Time and Newsweek in 1977.
The Interview Room
The living room of the home in Monarch Bay that Frost interviewed Nixon. The taping of the interviews lasted approximately 28 hours and 45 minutes. Harold and Martha Lee Smith, the owners, were in favor of Nixon.

David Frost's Italian Shoe
The shoes David Frost wore to the interviews. Nixon attempted to play "mind games" with Frost by calling his shoes "effeminate" to make him nervous. Ironically, many Italian shoes are thought to be high in quality.
Frost/Nixon Interview Tapes
The actual tapes of the charismatic and flamboyant David Frost interviewing the gruff and no-nonsense ex-President Richard Nixon. It was officially released on January 1, 1977.

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