Thursday, March 28, 2019

2.8 Montgomery Reflection

2.8 Montgomery Reflection
Adam Tyler

From the trip to Montgomery, Alabama, I just felt bad almost the whole time about being a white person. When we visited our first stop, I couldn't help but feel ashamed of myself because how badly white people mistreated black people. Many of them were incriminated, like cases for murder, abuse, or even just looking threatening. I got pretty mad when I learned that black kids even by the age of 13 could be put into adult prison. I also found it very creepy when I looked at a picture of a white policeman touching a black kid on the shoulder and smiling. I really did not like that picture.

When we visited our final place on the trip, I was getting bored and tired, so it didn't help that there was no place to sit. We had to wait outside forever and the place just wasn't big enough, honestly. Also, I thought I heard some stuff repeated over and over again by the lady that worked there and it just seemed boring. I thought we really didn't need to be there. The only thing that was halfway interesting was the bus fight and how the policemen basically did nothing. This made me feel even worse about being a white kid.

I'm pretty sure this counts as police brutality

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